Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Review for Anne Burrell's Peach Crisp

I'm a fan of Anne Burrell.  She's fun to watch on tv, and she inspires me to cook with all her enthusiasm.  Her food also looks great.  That being said, I haven't tried that many of her recipes.  I've tried a Chicken Soup recipe that included cinnamon and lemons.  Interesting and quite tasty.
We had some peaches so I thought I'd give her peach crisp a try.  After reading reviews that were posted on I was a little hesitant about whether or not I should cut the butter, sugar, lemon, and raisins.  I decided to follow the recipe as written and hoped for the best.
I agree that there's too much lemon, and that the dessert is too sweet.  Unlike other reviewers I didn't find the raisins or butter overpowering.  I didn't have individual ramekins, so I baked the crisp in one large dish and covered it with the topping.  There was way too much topping.  I think I only used about half of what I made.  I could imagine that if I had used all the topping it would have been too buttery and sugary.  I did like the oats and almonds that were in the topping.  It gave the topping a nice nutty flavor.  Next time, I may add some cinnamon to the topping as well.
I wish the recipe would have specified how large the peach chunks should be and that the peaches should be peeled.  I peeled the peaches, because I didn't want peach skin in the crisp, but I think this should be explicit.  I used the scoring and boiling method to peel the peaches.  I also think it would be helpful if she told us the weight of the peaches instead of just 5 large peaches.  I think my large peaches were smaller than hers.  I used 6 peaches, but I still think that I could've had more peach especially because the lemon was overpowering.  That being said, it would be helpful to know what exactly how much lemon juice to use.  Lemons are different sizes so for the recipe to just say "1 lemon, zested and juiced" isn't very helpful in my opinion.
If I were to make this again, I would cut the topping in half, cut the sugar in half, use half a lemon (~1 T juice), increase the amount of peaches, and add cinnamon to the topping.  I'm not sure I would make this dessert again though simply because I think the peaches tasted better on their own than cooked up in this dessert.