Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Brussels Sprouts

So, first of all, I just learned that these are called “Brussels” sprouts (note the ‘s’). Also, I’m used to these not tasting very good. Right before Thanksgiving, Jenn found a recipe for brussels sprouts that was actually supposed to taste good. The solution: pork fat (makes everything better). This recipe uses pancetta.

Wash brussels sprouts – remove the outer leaves if they are loose
Slice sprouts in half – set aside

Chop pancetta

Render the pancetta in a pan with a little olive oil. No more than medium heat!

When the pancetta becomes crunchy, remove it from the pan (leave all the yummy fat behind!) and put on a paper towel.

Put the sprouts in the pan.

After a minute or so, add about 1/3 cup of chicken broth. Cover to let the sprouts steam. After a few minutes, check the sprouts with a fork to see if they are done.

When you serve them up, top them with with the pancetta bits.

Wonderful recipe! The first time we made this we got a beautiful thick slice of pancetta from the massive Market District in Robinson. The flavor was amazing. This time, however, we didn’t make it up to Robinson and so bought the pancetta at Trader Joe’s. It was pre-chopped and a little dry. The final product was definitely lacking flavor.

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